Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Forgiving Husband

Today I am thankful for a forgiving husband.

Why? Because I turned this...

Into this...

Let's hope tomorrow I can be thankful for a non-ruined frying pan. It, like my pride, needs some time to drown a bit.


  1. This is my first time writing a comment on your blog, I love this idea of writing what you are thankful for, my girls and I do it everyday in the evening and it changes our perspectives on many things!
    Keep writing , it is refreshing ;-)

  2. How did I miss that you had this blog? I love this. I try to do a thankful post on occasion but doing one regularly...what an awesome idea!

  3. Reba, it's become a good and necessary habit for me at the end of every day. There have been days when I've had to force myself to be thankful for something that's hard to appreciate, and I love having that in "print"! It's a good accountability system for me...even if nobody else reads it. :-)
