Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ms. Janie

Today I am thankful for Ms. Janie.

I met her for the first time on July 4 last year, the day after I agreed to marry her grandson. This morning, she met her Savior face to face for the first time. I wish I had known her better or longer, but even today I learned so much more about a sweet lady as Ryan shared memories and special stories from her life. She raised a wonderful son and daughter, and enjoyed many moments with two grandsons (one who is something pretty wonderful to me) .... all who rejoice tonight knowing that she is at the feet of Jesus in awe and worship of her Lord.

We love you, Grandma Allen.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Refreshed Mom

Today I am thankful for a refreshed mom.

These were a hard couple of days. Being left as the responsible adult for a few brothers who don't want to see an older sister as an authority figure is not the most appealing situation. BUT I loved seeing my mom come home tonight refreshed, happy, relaxed, more in love with her husband, etc. It made it worth it, even if at the moment I am promising to wait a looong time before doing it again!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Life Before Kids

Today I am thankful for life before kids.

Don't get me wrong. I love kids and I look forward to having kids someday. But after babysitting my brother this week and feeling like Ryan and I have barely said hello to each other, I really am thankful for this phase of our lives before having children. I have a new understanding of how important my parents' date nights were over the years...

Monday, June 27, 2011

A Paint Project

Today I am thankful for a paint project.

I've been itching to paint some canvases to display in our new house, and a few days in a non-rented space was the perfect chance to be messy. I painted for a good portion of the day and even let a couple of brothers in on the fun this afternoon. They enjoyed it, it relaxed me, and I ended up with some fun and personal touches for some vacant walls. Craft itch, consider yourself scratched. :-)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Piano Time

Today I am thankful for piano time.

I had a couple of people tell me today that my fingers must be tired after playing the piano so much. I played during the service at church this morning, and then I played for the wedding this afternoon. That's always been a weird comment to me because never once have my actual fingers gotten tired. I guess they have built up a lot of endurance over the years since they belong to a musician and a writer... Anyways, it's always my back that really gets worn out from sitting on the horribly uncomfortable bench. I enjoyed the time, though, to play the piano more than normal. I miss having one in my house and at my disposal whenever I want.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Last Minute Weddings

Today I am thankful for last minute weddings.

I got a call yesterday morning asking if I could play the piano at a wedding tomorrow afternoon. The wedding wasn't last-minute...just the choice of musical selections. As it turns out, the groom is my second cousin anyway, so it's sort of a family affair. Ryan got to meet my aunt, uncle and cousins for the first time at the rehearsal dinner tonight. Fun times!

Friday, June 24, 2011


Today I am thankful for utilities.

After three days of working to get utilities turned on in our new house and several trips to the house today to make it happen (including a trip to mop up the water that sprayed out of the washer valve in the laundry room when it came on), I couldn't be more thankful to have it all done. We will have to pay a bit more in utility bills over the next couple of months (since we're paying at two locations), but at this point, we're just thankful to have working faucets, lights and hot water.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The End of a Work Week

Today I am thankful for the end of a work week.

Thursday evenings are always welcome around here since Ryan and I both have Fridays off. This week, though, was especially exciting when Thursday night rolled around. With VBS in the Community being four nights this week, we are exhausted. It was tough going to work at 7am and not getting home until 9pm, but it was still good. All of that aside, though, the work week is over...and I am thankful.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

An Approved Contract

Today I am thankful for an approved contract.

So our offer was approved...ummm, last Tuesday, but it took until this afternoon to finally get the contract finalized. We were starting to get worried because HUD was asking for so much paperwork, but I'm sure they had good reason and we learned a good deal about patience in the meantime. It actually ended up working out well because with the delay, we'll now be able to do our home inspection while our agent is on her honeymoon (yay!) and then if anything needs to be worked out after that, we'll still be within our 15-day timeline to get in touch with them when she gets back.

So now begins the adventure of getting utilities turned on in the right order and then all we have left is the home inspection and new appraisal. We also learned today that this is all we have left, so as soon as the appraisal comes back, we can close the very next day. We may just get in before July 15th. Sooo exciting! Paint colors and furniture arrangements are about all I can think about right now. I'm ready to put those thoughts into action. :-)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Typing Book

Today I am thankful for a typing book.

I'm starting a new project at work where I have to re-type several mission project books dating back to 2001. We need to have them in a different format, but don't have the originals on file, so I get to type away. I'm actually kind of excited about it ... back in the home school days, my mom bought me a typing book so that I could work on learning how to do that correctly. Days like today make me so very grateful for that!

Monday, June 20, 2011


Today I'm thankful for dinnertime.

It's one of those weeks when finding time for dinner is next to impossible. We're helping out with VBS in the Community for church, and we're blessed to do it, but when we get home at 5:15 and have to be at the park between 5:30 and 5:45, dinner doesn't really happen. Weeks like this make me thankful for weeks that are not like this!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Daddy

Today I am thankful for my daddy.

He probably didn't think anyone noticed, but when he opened his gift (a canvas print of a hug he and I shared right before I left our wedding reception with my husband), I saw a tear in his eye. He little girl is married off...but she still loves him like crazy, and I know he loves her, too. :-)

I love you, Dad.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Front Seats

Today I am thankful for front seats.

Ryan was playing golf with a guy from church, and since I didn't want to stay home by myself, I rode along with my mom to take my sister off to her camp counselor job at Camp War Eagle. It was all fun until we got on the main road to the camp...reminded me of driving up the mountains in Oaxaca, Mexico. We would get out of one curve only to find ourselves in another, and the same was true with pot holes. I was in the back seat on the way there, and if the drive had been five minutes longer, I would have been sick. Once Ellen was dropped off, I got the front seat back. The drive down the mountain went much easier that way!!

Friday, June 17, 2011


Today I am thankful for fireworks.

We went to the Naturals game with some friends tonight and stayed long enough to enjoy the fireworks afterwards. We usually leave early and miss that, so I think this was the first time Ryan and I had watched them together...a fun couple thing to do. :-)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Other People Who Fail

Today I am thankful for other people who fail.

I met with the other pastors' wives tonight for some good study & fellowship time. It's always such a blessed time for me because they have so much wisdom and encouragement to give, but are also willing to share their hearts and their failures as wives, mothers and in ministry. It seems that often our conversations reveal more of my failures than I'd like to see in one setting, but it's nice to know that other women are struggling in the same way, too...makes it a lot easier to help each other succeed at improving.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Test of Faithfulness

Today I am thankful for a test of faithfulness.

A few months ago, I went out on a limb and applied for a part-time teaching job in Rogers. I had a variety of reasons for doing so, and I never thought I'd get a call. A few months went by and I had resigned myself (contently) to remaining full time where I'm at now. Then today came...

I received a call from a great principal requesting an interview with me this afternoon for the job. It was just an interview, so I met her after work. It went really well, but I walked away struggling with even the thought of taking the job. While I loved my year of student teaching, I don't know that I could say with confidence that teaching French is my passion at this point. More importantly than that, though, was the fact that I spent a whole week wrestling through a decision (the house) in order to make sure that my heart was longing for material things rather than what God wanted for us. I had a hard time looking at this decision without looking at the material aspect...because without that it was an easy decision to make. After the heart inspection I had to do last week, it came as a good test of my faithfulness to the point that God brought me to then.

I still love the idea of teaching French someday...and maybe God will provide that...just not right now. :-)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

An Accepted Offer

Today I am thankful for an accepted offer.

We're buying a house! I expected to be saying this tomorrow, but God was gracious to allow the owner to accept a low offer today. It turns out my mom prayed specifically for that yesterday, so I guess I'm grateful for her, too. ;-)

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Beginning of an Adventure

Today I am thankful for the beginning of an adventure.

We made an offer on a house today! I'm excited, overwhelmed, impatient for an answer, grateful, overwhelmed and excited! :-) We should hear something tomorrow morning...we expect it to be a bottom-dollar counter, which means we'll most likely have an approved offer on Wednesday. It's a HUD-owned home, so the process is fairly predictable (per our agent-friend). I'm sort of scared at the thought of owning a home, and yet I can hardly wait until Wednesday when the real adventure can get started!

Our Future Home?!?!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ryan's Homecoming

Today I am thankful for Ryan's homecoming.

My husband was born very premature...he weighed only 2 pounds when he was born and had to stay in the hospital for a while. He was born on January 29, but wasn't due until May 13. He got to come home for the first time on June 12. It continues to amaze me that he survived, but I am so glad that he did! His parents have always referred to this as his homecoming anniversary, and today I'm thankful for his 28th anniversary.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Today I am thankful for weddings.

Ever since November 6, 2010 (my wedding day), it has become very difficult for me to attend weddings. I love weddings...really love them...but it seems I loved our wedding so much, I may forever critique those who do things differently. I hope that changes soon, because in a family of my size, there's sure to be many more ceremonies to attend. That started even today as the first of my cousins got married. In the meantime, though, I'll find some reasons to be thankful for my current predicament.

1. It makes me more and more grateful for the simplicity that my parents raised me to appreciate.
2. It makes me more and more grateful for pastors who were intentional in making the Gospel clear to our friends and family.
3. It makes me more and more grateful for a husband who helped with every step in the process and didn't let me become Bridezilla.
4. It makes me more and more grateful for the joyous, but serious, commitments that were made.

There's more, but I feel like I'm going to start ranting...let's just say I'm glad today was my last wedding for a while.

Friday, June 10, 2011

A Shiny Ring

Today I am thankful for a shiny ring.

We spent a good portion of the day (more than expected) painting a wall in Ryan's office at church. Since we would've taken our rings off to do that anyway, we took them to the jeweler to have them cleaned...or to get their seven-month checkup, as I like to call it. :-) I feel like I'm wearing a new ring tonight and happy to have it back. After wearing it all the time, it was weird to have it off...even for just a few hours.

A simple thing to be thankful for compared to other events this week, but it serves as a good reminder/symbol of a much bigger commitment I am very grateful for!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Surprise Birthday Dinner

Today I am thankful for a surprise birthday dinner.

We surprised a good friend tonight for his birthday, along with some other friends from work and church. I was really tired after a hot and busy day, and I wasn't sure how long I could last at the party. We had so much fun, though, and after cooking and cleaning together with other girls and enjoying fellowship around the table, I was energized and encouraged. I could make a habit of birthday dinners like that...good thing mine's coming up next. :-)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dinner with My Baby Brother

Today I am thankful for dinner with my baby brother.

I shouldn't have been able to have dinner with my youngest brother tonight. He shouldn't be breathing right now...except for the grace of God. Our family suffered quite the traumatic event yesterday that included a near drowning, but by no other possible reason than God's unfailing mercy, my favorite two-year-old is completely fine. It's been 30 hours full of every emotion possible, but it all comes down to one thing: God is sovereign over EVERY SINGLE DETAIL of every life and He is good no matter what.

I can be thankful for that every day.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Praying Husband

Today I am thankful for a praying husband.

I walked in the living room this morning after getting ready for work and found my husband on his hands and knees, flat on his face before the Lord in prayer. We found a very potential house over the weekend and have committed it to much prayer ever since. It's a weighty decision, and I'm grateful that it rests in the heart of a man who will make such a choice by seeking only the Lord's will - not his own and not his wife's.

Monday, June 6, 2011

The First Night of Bible Study

Today I am thankful for the first night of Bible Study.

I'm leading a Bible Study in the Psalms for our Bible Fellowship women this summer. I feel highly unqualified considering I'm the youngest in the bunch and the only one without a child...or two or three or four. I really felt like God was leading me to do that as a ministry to young moms for a few weeks, though, so I'm doing it. We got started tonight and it was so encouraging! I'm really looking forward to the next nine weeks.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Enthusiastic Worship

Today I am thankful for enthusiastic worship.

We changed up the music format at church today, as a test drive of sorts for the summer. I wasn't sure what to expect of live drums, electric guitar, keyboards, etc., but the enthusiasm that exuded from the congregation was terrific! There's still some changes that will need to be made and the congregation will have to adjust to it, but it was a great start today!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

A New Painting

Today I am thankful for a new painting.

A friend was having an art sale and I saw this canvas painting and decided I had to have it. No baby room to put it in yet, but I did put it on a nail in the closet so at least it's hanging until that day comes. :-) It's way too cute to pass up!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Things More Important Than Baseball

Today I am thankful for things more important than baseball.

The Hogs lost today. It's not quite the end of their season, but it might as well be. It's fairly ridiculous how much that affects my emotions, but I feel like it's getting better than it used to be. There are things that are more important than baseball...though at times it sorta seems like that list is short. Ha! :-)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Fun Night with Brothers

Today I am thankful for a fun night with brothers.

I was making mostaccioli again, and since my brothers liked that so much last time, we invited them over. They loved it even more this time and said they wanted thirds but were just too full to do it. :-)

We enjoyed snow cones, UNO and a few jokes...all in all just a fun laid-back night with a couple of boys.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Best Dinner Ever

Today I am thankful for my best dinner ever.

We've had a couple of good dinner nights around here. Last night was late (because of the ant problem), but worth the wait. Tonight was on time and Ryan said it just might have been my best meal yet! That's always a nice thing for a newlywed/chef-in-training/wife to hear. :-)