Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Shared Bathroom

Today I am thankful for a shared bathroom.

That seems like such an odd thing to be thankful for, but for the first time in our marriage, Ryan and I share a bathroom. It was more convenient at our apartment to use separate closets, bathrooms, etc., so that's what we got used to. It's taken a bit of adjustment to use the same space, but I'm enjoying the simple joys of brushing teeth in the same room, getting ready in the mornings together, etc. Perhaps a bit weird...but I'm still thankful for it!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Final Blessing

Today I am thankful for a final blessing.

We had a couch and a tv cart that we didn't want or need at the new house, and we had planned on asking Potter's House or Salvation Army to come pick it up. When we went to the apartment for the last time to grab our food, our neighbor came out to say goodbye, and we mentioned that we still had the couch left. He had a friend in the next building over that desperately needed a couch, and we were able to deliver that to him that night. A blessing to him, a blessing to us and a last-minute testimony to our neighbor as he was able to watch the exchange. We've known all along that God put us in that apartment for a reason, and I pray that part of that was that we were able to minister to Mr. M not just tonight, but during our entire time here. I long to know that he will accept Christ as his Savior someday soon!

Friday, July 29, 2011

One Last Night

Today I am thankful for one last night.

My dad showed up and surprised me tonight with a desire to fill three vehicles full of our belongings after I thought we were done moving for the day. That led to the realization that it was about to be our last night in the little apartment that we made our first home for almost nine months. It's a bittersweet moment as we think back on everything that has happened in this place, but we're excited what the future brings in the new place God has for us!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Another Hand

Today I am thankful for another hand.

I was writing Colossians 3:2-3 in discipleship notebooks for 63 students today, as we were getting them ready to put in welcome baskets for students moving in next week. That's a lot of words for a tired little hand like mine, and I was ever so thankful to have a co-worker step in and ask for an alternate project from her to-do list to help me with. All 63 were finished in no time. What a blessing!

Speaking of Colossians's a good verse to be thankful for today as well, and since I happen to have it memorized now... :-)

"I pray that your hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A New Groove At Work

Today I am thankful for a new groove at work.

With the marriage and staff departure of one of my co-workers, I gained a lot of new responsibilities beginning this week. A lot of the tasks are things I've been doing behind the scenes for a while, but now they're actually things that fall under my job description. I moved to a new spot in our little office...front room rather than back room...and I've enjoyed seeing the faces of the voices I've heard from my hidden corner desk for the past couple of years. I'm the kind of girl that needs regular tasks with a refreshing change every now and then to spice things up. This has done the trick for me this week! I can hardly believe it's already Wednesday. :-)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

To Have My Family Home

Today I am thankful to have my family home.

It seems as if they've been gone for weeks rather than a week of days, but I am so glad that my family has made it home from the big state of Texas. They were able to see our house tonight for the first time since we had just started painting, and my dad was able to get us started on curtain-hanging. Hooray!

Monday, July 25, 2011

My Daddy

Today I am thankful for my daddy.

It's his birthday today, and while I didn't get to see him in person, it was good to have a few minutes on the phone with him as he drove the rest of the family home from Texas. It's funny how it seems so difficult sometimes to tell someone you love them in person, but happy birthday phone conversations have a way of making sure you share those feelings with somebody. I am so thankful for the way that my dad can make me smile, laugh and cry after one conversation...besides my husband, he's probably the only one who can really do a number on my emotions. I think that's because he loves me, and I love him, and even when we don't say it, we both know it.

I love you, daddy.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Unpacked Wedding Gifts

Today I am thankful for unpacked wedding gifts.

We started moving non-essential kitchen things today, which meant it was time to start unpacking "the closet." It was organized, but it was still a lot of stuff that we didn't have a place for in our little apartment. Well, now we do, and it was so exciting to find some things I forgot we had. Corningware, a nice set of drinking glasses, table was like Christmas (or a wedding shower)!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Functional Vacuum Cleaner

Today I am thankful for a functional vacuum cleaner.

Our vacuum hasn't been working for quite some time now, but we had to have one yesterday. I had taken it apart before, but I guess never as much as I did yesterday. I discovered that we had washable filters that hadn't been washed in a while. A good wash plus some drying time in the sun, and finally the machine works again. I guess I don't have a good excuse to refrain from cleaning the house now...

Friday, July 22, 2011


Today I am thankful for completion.

My arms are so happy that the painting is done. As is my head and my lungs - the paint fumes don't get along with me very well. But it's done! And it looks good (except for a few spots on the ceiling that we're going to learn to live with)!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A New Do

Today I am thankful for a new do.

It's just too hot for long hair, and doing so much manual labor didn't work well with the long ponytail either. So, in a moment of urgency, I got it caught off. Seven inches worth. It was more than I wanted, and mildly traumatic for the first 30 minutes, but it's growing on me. It's always difficult when the stylist makes it look good and then you have to wash it...but it's still a fun change that I'll learn how to work with.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Alfalfa Sprouts

Today I am thankful for alfalfa sprouts.

I needed some extra flair on my turkey sandwich today, and the sprouts did the trick. What else is there to say? I just love them!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Today I am thankful for discipleship.

We had the Lightbearers mentorship training tonight ... I've been around the process for a couple of years, but I've never actually mentored a student myself. It was good to hear again why it's important, and more than that, to see the perfect example of discipleship in Jesus and to know that as long as I'm seeking to know Him more, the rest of that process will fall into place. It's a good training for the next year before we have kids, because then I'll REALLY get to put discipleship into practice!

Monday, July 18, 2011


Today I am thankful for leftovers.

It's a busy week in the Martin household, and on top of everything going on, my back/neck pain has reverted back to square one (if not worse). After a 10-hour day at work and the inability to hold my head up straight, leftovers were the very best thing available for dinner at home. I'm not complaining...still very much thankful. Just more thankful for the leftovers than for the neck pain today. :-)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Unconventional Mind

Today I am thankful for my unconventional mind.

I'm weird. I admit it. Most recent solid proof? We're not moved into our house. We're not even finished painting and we haven't cleaned the carpets. But what did we do today? We hung 13 pictures in our living room and decorated the mantel. I wasn't going to paint on a Sunday, but I felt like doing something over there, so we took two armloads out to the car and spent an hour measuring and nailing. From what I've heard, that's the last thing most people do...but remember, we're not most people. We're weird.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Lesson in Learning

Today I am thankful for a lesson in learning.

We painted today, and then were ready to hang some mini-blinds (I'm tired of seeing the neighbors and they're probably tired of seeing me). We didn't know how to do it, so my dad showed up. He hung two of the six that were ready to go, and then he was ready to go himself. Our attempt at finishing the final four started off badly, and we became frustrated that my dad had left. We kept on going, though, and learned a lot on our own. It's all part of growing up, I suppose, and it's worth it in the end.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Carmelized Onions

Today I am thankful for carmelized onions.

 Nope, it had nothing to do with what we ate today, but it will here in about a month. You see, I'll be cooking in a kitchen that is painted 'carmelized onions' - the color. I liked the color first, but then when we saw the name, it only seemed to be perfect. My arms, legs, back, hands...and just about everything else...are sore from painting all afternoon, and it's still not perfect, but it's my future kitchen...and it's pretty. :-)

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Today I am thankful for winter.

I'm just reminding myself that no season is really all that bad when you compare it to another one. In winter, I hate the cold and the snow. In spring, I dread the rain and tornadoes. In today, I find the heat and humidity miserable. In the fall, well, that's pretty much perfect. BUT I am thankful for the changes that we see over time, and I'm just about ready - no I AM ready - for the next change!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Cranky Door Knob

Today I am thankful for a cranky door knob.

It was supposed to be an easy task. We closed on the house earlier in the day than expected, so we thought we'd run over to the house and change out the locks before going back to work. That was at 9:45. We got to work at 12:00 with the task very much unfinished. I have a feeling that will go in the books as the most difficult project of the whole house preparation. means we have a house that belongs to us that needs new door knobs. And for that, I'm willing to put up with just about anything!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Today I am thankful for rain!

It just started a few minutes ago, and it looks on the radar like it could stick around for a few minutes. We shall see about that... It was wonderful to hear it and see it from our deck, though! Some 'cooler' weather would be nice the next few days while we work on the house. :-)

Monday, July 11, 2011

A New Puzzle

Today I am thankful for a new puzzle.

It's actually a very old puzzle, but it's the first time it's been put together...ever. We found it in the back of Ryan's old closet back home in Kentucky, and I thought it'd be a fun thing to do tonight. We came ever so close to finishing it (my dad has made me a puzzle pro), but bedtime is about to beat my overachieving side.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Van Full of Laughs

Today I am thankful for a van full of laughs.

We decided to drive out to my parents this afternoon to do something other than stare at each other in the apartment. :-) It turned into a ride into Siloam Springs for pizza with the younger boys and Mom and Dad. My mom would tell you it was a very awkward van ride, but I say it was hilarious. Samuel was trying to convince us why Ryan should be an elder, why he should spend the night at our house, and why we should and shouldn't be more romantic. I wish I had written down every hilarious quote that came out of that boy's mouth...we laughed until we almost cried. It was wonderful.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Frozen Cookie Dough

Today I am thankful for frozen cookie dough.

I'm supposed to make four dozen cookies for tomorrow, two dozen to take to a potluck and two dozen to provide to Music Camp kiddos for the week. In my world today, that was a lot to make on a Saturday evening from scratch, so I bought some frozen cookie dough and dished them out. It feels a bit like cheating, but will they taste any different to those kids? Probably not. :-)

Friday, July 8, 2011

My Grandmother and Her Handyman Husband

Today I am thankful for my grandmother and her handyman husband.

It's my grandmother's birthday today, and the best give I could come up with (besides a phone call) was to let her come over and see the inside of our new house. It sounds selfish, but really she had been wanting to do that for a few weeks now. She came over for a few minutes while I was there and looked around, and brought her sweetheart over to see it, too. He's more interested in the mechanics of the house (he looked in the attic before anything else!), but that's helpful to us! He took a look at a few things we were curious about fixing, and had a solution within seconds for each one them. What a blessing!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Closing Date

Today I am thankful for a closing date.

It's official. We're buying a house. Scary! Exciting! We found out today that we're going to close Wednesday morning. It can't come soon enough! :-)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Today I am thankful for home.

Our apartment won't be home for more than another few weeks, but it is so nice to be sitting inside of it right now. After staying out at my parents and then having the overnight getaway before leaving town for Kentucky, it is wonderful to be home with plans to stay there for a while! This was one of the longest 8-hour drives yet for a lot of reasons, and it's a blessing that it's over now.

Oh, and I am very thankful, too, for eight months of marriage! We had a fun time during the 8-hour drive coming up with highlights each hour for each month together so far. You can find those highlights at :-)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Life & Death

Today I am thankful for life and death.

Funerals are so hard for me to attend. It's wonderful to celebrate the life of someone you love, and especially to celebrate the new and eternal life that that person now enjoys if they are a believer. So many of the funerals I've been to lately, though, seem to dwell so much more on death than on the life part. I know that's the part that we're grieving at the moment, but the death of a believer is only for an instant. The life that we shared with them and the life they now enjoy with Christ is such a greater thing to celebrate! It was difficult to witness the pain of friends and family today as they mourned a grandma's death, but I am so grateful that she is now at the feet of her Savior in awe and wonder of Him alone!

Monday, July 4, 2011


Today I am thankful for independence.

 Yes, it is Independence Day and I am thankful for the governmental and religious freedoms we enjoy, but I'm also thankful for the independence that comes with being an adult. Every time we're back in the homes of our parents, it feels a little bit like that is temporarily lost. It's not a big deal at all, especially for such a short time, but it does make you grateful for the fact that you've grown up, too.

**Yes, this post is delayed. It was a CRAZY weekend.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Another Year

Today I am thankful for another year.

It's been one of those birthdays that's memorable for all of the wrong reasons. Not that it's been bad...just uneventful. Sunday birthdays are always a little bit weird (definitely not in a bad way), but that wasn't the problem at all. We left soon after church to begin the drive to Kentucky for Ryan's grandma's funeral. I am thankful that we avoided rain for most of the way, but once we got to the big metropolis of Sullivan, Missouri, I started feeling a little bit down. It just wasn't the birthday I had imagined. I keep reminding myself, though, that it's not about the's about the grace of God allowing another year of life and blessings. Really, another day, or minute, of life and blessings when you think about it.

Oh, and I'm also grateful that it's been one year since I told Ryan Martin that I'd be his wife. It is kinda fun to travel the roads we took last July 3rd on our way to the proposal site. :-)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Sunflower Cake

Today I am thankful for a sunflower cake.

I've been bugging (hinting at) Ryan about a sunflower birthday cake for a few weeks. I don't really know why it was so important to me, but I do love sunflowers and the idea of having one on a birthday cake was exciting to me. I wasn't sure if it would really happen, but between he and my mom, I ended up enjoying one with the family. :-)

Friday, July 1, 2011

An Eventful Day

Today I am thankful for an eventful day.

My birthday weekend has officially started! We had a fun dinner with friends last night (and a delicious strawberry shortcake to go with it!) and then Ryan surprised me right before I went to sleep with my first birthday gift ... a night at Embassy Suites just for a fun little getaway. I don't like to go far, so a mini-vacation 20 minutes away is perfect for me! So, I'm thankful for that tonight, especially after a week of babysitting brothers. :-)

To go along with that, we enjoyed a double-date tonight with my parents before my dad heads off for another week-long business trip. Olive Garden and TCBY - such a fun treat!

This morning began with the home inspection, the final step before closing on the house. Praise God - everything checked out well with the exception of a few minor things that will be easy to clear up after we get moved in. We thought that would be the case, but it was a relief to have approval from an expert as well.

After that checked out, we went and picked out living room and bedroom furniture. So much fun!!! I am oh so eager to get in and start making the house our home.

Oh, and I am also thankful today for birthday coupons and leftover cake. I'm trying to plan out my free meals according to the coupon expiration dates so as to maximize the benefits of the celebration. :-)

It's been a busy, but refreshing day. After a hectic week and with a quick drive to Kentucky and a funeral to come in the next few days, this particular Friday was a huge blessing...worthy of a longer post than normal!