Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Growth Moment

Today I am thankful for a growth moment.

Ryan mentioned to me in passing on Thursday that we were singing 'Waiting Here for You' on Sunday. It's one of my favorite songs as of late, and I was excited about it. I jokingly said, "Can I sing the solo?"

Well, I got a text last night from our music pastor that said Ryan had mentioned I was interested, and would I do it? Ummm...

So I guess I'll be singing a short solo tomorrow in church. Sooo not me, but it's a growth moment. It's another version of stepping outside of my box and allowing God to receive the glory. This song is especially poignant for my stage of life now anyways, and I look forward to praising Him with my church family.

Monday, October 10, 2011

A Greater Passion

Today I am thankful for a greater passion.

The cardinals are a big deal to my dear husband. Not the beautiful birds, but the baseball team. It take a lot for us to miss a game, especially I'd they are playing in a championship series, as they are now. But...this week has been different. Last night, we had LifeGroup at our house and we turned the game off in the 7th inning. Major sacrifice. Tonight, we're at the church so that Ryan can give trip training for an upcoming mission trip. We're missing almost all of the game. It surprises me that he's not rising through the material, but it shouldnt. He has a greater passion. He is more concerned with the salvation of a people group on Africa than he is for a win on the baseball field. I love that about him.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

A New Phone

Today I am thankful for a new phone.

Now that we are officially in our 12th month of marriage, we decided to celebrate with new smartphones. It took all day to get my contacts cleaned up, but I am now obsessed. Let's hope I don't become one of those people who can't leave the phone alone for two seconds, though!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Budget Crunching

Today I am thankful for budget crunching.

I do love working out a good budget at work and at church. But, the process that takes place beforehand wears me out. The latter I only hear about, but the former I am extremely involved in. Everyone wants this number or that number, or this line item changed or that number moved to a different category. It's exhausting. But it's necessary.
