Monday, April 25, 2011

A Lot of Things

Today I am thankful for a lot of things!

While driving home on flooded roads with rain pouring down over me, I decided to use the time to thank God for everything that came to mind rather than working my nerves up over the circumstances. Here's the list as I remember it:

Thank you that this road isn't flooded.
Thank you that I have a job that will let me leave early.
Thank you that Ryan found his way home.
Thank you that the car behind me is okay that I am driving 40mph in a 70mph zone.
Thank you that my windshield wipers are working.
Thank you that is isn't raining as hard as it was earlier.
Thank you that this off-ramp isn't flooded yet.
Thank you that I live in an elevated area.
Thank you that our apartment is on the second floor.
Thank you that my family is safe.
Thank you that I'm almost home.

So about this time, I've reached a place where it looks like I'll make it home without any problems. So, I turned on the radio and heard this: had suddenly become a really awesome worship experience!

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