Saturday, April 30, 2011

The End of a Royal Weekend

Today I am thankful for the end of a royal weekend.

I wasn't into the royal wedding at all, but I feel as though the media has forced me to absorb every minute of it. I woke up Friday morning right as the wedding was ending, so I watched the last few minutes of that up until the balcony kisses because big expensive ceremonies like that do fascinate me. That was more than enough for me, though, and I am quite ready to turn on the television or open up Yahoo news without seeing anything about William & Kate. Congrats & Best Wishes to them, but it's time to go back to real life. As real as royal can get. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't it to it either, though I may have to watch the kiss...I recorded it for one of my kids. I am impressed that they don't plan on having any help beyond security (no cooks, housecleaners, etc). I do hope they have a long happy life together.
